I am excited to announce that, effective immediately, I will be a regular contributor to The Mighty. They publish real stories by real people facing real challenges. They have 125 million readers and are partners with The Huffington Post and Yahoo.

My first article was published today. It’s called Acknowledging How Cancer Has Affected My Feelings About Myself. You can read it here. In addition to writing at The Mighty, I will continue to publish blog posts on this site.

I would like to thank all my readers and my 912 followers (as of the writing of this post) for the past year of blogging. Your constant readership, as well as insightful and useful feedback has been humbling. I love writing about  life, cancer, fitness and family and I could NOT do it without you. I hope I can continue to do this well into the future.


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I also invite you to go to my Capable Fitness with Gail Facebook page and click the “like” button. That LIKE button is right there on my cover picture of me and Seamus O’Malley.  You can instantly go there right now by clicking this: https://www.facebook.com/capablyfit/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel. You’ll find doable exercises, delicious recipes, actionable fitness advice, inspirational messages and some laughs as well, all delivered to you on a daily basis. I’d love to have you on board as one of my “fans” and hearing what YOU would like to see on my page.